About Us

The Story Behind Mintaka

Wilderness Corporate Retreats Reimagined

We named our company Mintaka, after one of the stars in the constellation Orion’s belt.


Rooted in nature, Mintaka shows us the infinite possibilities that a company can achieve when culture is at the core of its business.

In addition to our core work of building corporate culture, Mintaka uses a portion of its profits each year to host wilderness survival camps for teens in foster care.




We strive to positively impact the communities
where we live and work.



We believe that curiosity drives innovation
(and makes life more interesting).



Everyone belongs in the wilderness.
We work to increase access for all.



We take care of the planet so these wild places
will be around in the future.



The world’s problems are constantly evolving.

Our solutions should be too.

About Our Founder

Outdoor Retreat for Corporate Culture

Breanne grew up with mountains in her backyard but didn’t really understand the transformative power of spending time in nature until she moved to the concrete jungle of Washington, DC. With so much time spent sitting in an office staring at a computer screen, she quickly became a “weekend warrior” and spent nearly every weekend escaping the city to the mountains and forests along the East Coast. Now she’s a passionate advocate for spending more time in nature and transforming individuals, communities, and society in the process.

Breanne has lived and worked all over the world with diverse individuals from all sorts of backgrounds. Working in several different industries showed her just how vital a strong, positive corporate culture is for building successful businesses. Breanne speaks five languages and has an MBA from The Wharton School in Pennsylvania. In her spare time, you can find her rock climbing, mountain biking, and hiking.

See How a Wilderness Retreat with Mintaka Will Help Transform Your Company.


Develop an adventure mindset and go beyond what you thought was possible. Join Mintaka to reimagine corporate culture and see how the results transform your company.