Company Culture, Reimagined.

All things company culture, nature, and corporate retreats.

Staying Focused in a Distracted World
Breanne White Breanne White

Staying Focused in a Distracted World

With 24/7 access to information and constant updates, messages, and digital interruptions, how can we stay focused on what matters most? In a Harvard Business Review article from 2017, Mike Erwin suggests several solutions, including “build periods of solitude into your schedule” and “don’t be too busy to learn how to be less busy.”

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Working from Home and Connecting at Work
Breanne White Breanne White

Working from Home and Connecting at Work

In March of this year, the Harvard Business Review published an article entitled “What a Year of WFH Has Done to Our Relationships at Work.” In it, the authors talk about how social capital used to be casual and easy—bumping into someone in the hall, for example, or catching up with someone after a meeting.

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Building Culture in a Hybrid or Remote Workplace
Breanne White Breanne White

Building Culture in a Hybrid or Remote Workplace

I’ve seen many leaders bemoan the lack of in-person interactions at their companies over the past year and a half. According to them, interactions at the office were almost magical, leading to increased collaboration, better communication, and high productivity. But I think if you took a poll of everyone not in management positions in 2019, you’d hear a very different story.

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Transform Your Company’s Culture with Mintaka